rubysaysrox80 Informațiile profilului

Life on life's terms.
Femeie În căutare de Bărbat
Vârstă 44 Din Sunset Valley, Texas
Online - acum 4 zile
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Informații de bază

    Prenume: Alexandra
    Mă descriu ca : Kindness is most important to me and integrity is a key for me in looking for a date. I need to know that when we interact its going to be from a mutual respectful place and we care about one another's time space and feelings. Attraction is a big deal and finding someone who can spark and keep my Attraction would be very nice. Its not everything but if I like how you smell and you me, then that means sparks and passion are there for us too. Ability to be playful and humorous is good for me as I can be serious so someone I can relax with is important. I need someone who has my back 100% and won't let me down. Let me know if there could be a chance.
    Zodie: Taur

Aspect și situația

    Tipul corpului meu este : Subțire
    Înălțimea mea este : 5' 4 (1.63 m)
    Sunt de etnie : caucaziană
